
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ensign Peak

In honor of pioneer day we thought it would be appropriate to hike Ensign Peak.  This was kind of a last minute idea by my sister Steph.  Sadly we had nothing really planned for that day so we made it happen.  After lunch we drove up to Salt Lake appreciating all the older homes with all their character as we passed them.   Once we reached the start of the hike we strapped baby Lucy onto Shane's back to slow him down a little.  (it didn't).
This is a really easy hike for families.  The trail is wide enough and all our little ones had no problem navigating it.  They were painfully slow mind you but they made it.
Once at the top we all looked around at the vast Salt Lake valley. It really is quiet pretty.  Then we thought of how it looked when the pioneers came here and how much work they had to do to get it so nice.  I will forever be grateful to them for their perseverance, faith, and hard work.
Scott and Peter
Stephanie prepared a little educational speech to give all of us about the pioneers and Ensign Peak itself.  Some of the kids listened, some were off doing their own thing but Scott and I quizzed them on somethings on the way home to see how much they listened.  When some of them couldn't come up with an answer we taught them again in the car until they were able to recite it back to us.  I know they probably hate it when we do this but I want them to learn.  What better way than to take them to the actual spot history occurred.  I have never been much of a history buff unlike Scott who seems to know and want to know everything.  But I find as I get older I want to know more.  I realize it was just the delivery method that turned me away from history.  Now that I can go places to learn at the actual history I enjoy it much more.
As we stood on the edge with the breeze cooling us off form the 100 degree temperatures and thought about how this must have seemed like a haven for these people I was again filled with gratitude.


Pensive Matt

listening to the history
Lizzy, Peter, Sam, Brennen, Jenni

Shane pointing out landmarks to Ellie and Paul

My handsome Sweetie Scott

Brennen trying to be just like his dad

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