So my church had a "Hostess with the mostess"
dinner, where everyone had to decorate a table with a theme of their choice. I decided to do Star Wars mainly because I didn't think anyone would think of it. (I was right) I had the Millennium Falcon with light sabers and a Bobafett mask as the center piece. I suspended planets from the ceiling with fishing line so it looked like they were floating. I had those glow in the dark stars on curly wire coming out from under the ship. The glasses were a tall skinny cylinder which are actually vases but I put glow sticks around them so the looked futuristic. Everyone got their own light saber and the utensils were special glow sticks I ordered online that were kind of light light sabers and they were used as chopsticks. I also sprinkled confetti metallic stars all over the table cloth. the pictures don't quite do it justice. Plus I didn't remember to take a picture until we already started so the table is a little messed up. I dressed up as princess Leia and i made a vest and gun with holster for Scott so he looked like Han Solo. He did point out that I am always dressing him like Harrison Ford and am I trying to tell him something? I just assured him that is what I grew up watching so to me its cool.
It was the talk of the dinner. Everyone loved it!!! Some of the contenders were a patriotic theme, luck of the Irish, U of U, BYU, spring chickens, western, Luau, and The Oscars. I lost 1st place by one vote to the western table. (We have a lot of old people in our ward) In its defense It was pretty cute. But I will stick to my Star Wars.
Holy cow jane!! What can't you do.. seriously!! haha it looks awesome I wish I could see it in person.