
Sunday, March 21, 2010

big finga

This was so funny I just have to share it. We recently switched Peter to whole cows milk and I make it appoint that no one drink Peters milk. I tried to make sure everyone knew which was which so I pointed out that Peter's milk has a red cap and red lettering. Therefor I called it the red milk.
William made himself a bowl of cereal with you guessed it the red milk. Well I was already frustrated with William for choices he made eariler today so I yelled at him saying "William what color milk did you use?" With innocent eyes he looked up from his bowl of cocoa puffs and said in a small voice. "white" I quickly left the room because I couldn't help crack up. I guess I asked for that.
To top if off Brennen came out of nowhere and pipped up "Big Finga". This is more funny if you know the story behind the word. We like a show called the Big Bang theory and the most annoying and funny character says "bazinga" for the term "gottcha". So our crazy Brennen translates that to words that he knows which is Big Finger pronounced Big Finga.

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