We went to Mountasia the other day because the kids are on spring break. (Mountasia is a fun center with arcade games and mini golf, go karts and stuff like that.) Any way they have one of those little merry-go-rounds and Peter absolutly LOVED it!!!!! that is all he wanted to do. I had to litteraly pry his hands off the handles and then he was kicking and screaming when I pulled him away. So here is a picture of Peter having the time of his life.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Peter walking
Peter finally started walking!!! Okay I know he is right on track because he just turned a year but it seems like he is late. My others walked early (8 and 9 months) He just one day got up and walked. Here is some of his first steps caught on tape. (Note the background music. Bery fitting yet totally unplanned!) He still prefers to crawl and I know I should just enjoy this stage but its nasty letting him explore outside when he is so close to the ground. He gets super filthy and eats everything he finds on the ground. AhAh AH
We went to Mountasia the other day because the kids are on spring break. (Mountasia is a fun center with arcade games and mini golf, go karts and stuff like that.) Any way they have one of those little merry-go-rounds and Peter absolutly LOVED it!!!!! that is all he wanted to do. I had to litteraly pry his hands off the handles and then he was kicking and screaming when I pulled him away. So here is a picture of Peter having the time of his life.
We went to Mountasia the other day because the kids are on spring break. (Mountasia is a fun center with arcade games and mini golf, go karts and stuff like that.) Any way they have one of those little merry-go-rounds and Peter absolutly LOVED it!!!!! that is all he wanted to do. I had to litteraly pry his hands off the handles and then he was kicking and screaming when I pulled him away. So here is a picture of Peter having the time of his life.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Star Wars Hostess party
So my church had a "Hostess with the mostess"
dinner, where everyone had to decorate a table with a theme of their choice. I decided to do Star Wars mainly because I didn't think anyone would think of it. (I was right) I had the Millennium Falcon with light sabers and a Bobafett mask as the center piece. I suspended planets from the ceiling with fishing line so it looked like they were floating. I had those glow in the dark stars on curly wire coming out from under the ship. The glasses were a tall skinny cylinder which are actually vases but I put glow sticks around them so the looked futuristic. Everyone got their own light saber and the utensils were special glow sticks I ordered online that were kind of light light sabers and they were used as chopsticks. I also sprinkled confetti metallic stars all over the table cloth. the pictures don't quite do it justice. Plus I didn't remember to take a picture until we already started so the table is a little messed up. I dressed up as princess Leia and i made a vest and gun with holster for Scott so he looked like Han Solo. He did point out that I am always dressing him like Harrison Ford and am I trying to tell him something? I just assured him that is what I grew up watching so to me its cool.
It was the talk of the dinner. Everyone loved it!!! Some of the contenders were a patriotic theme, luck of the Irish, U of U, BYU, spring chickens, western, Luau, and The Oscars. I lost 1st place by one vote to the western table. (We have a lot of old people in our ward) In its defense It was pretty cute. But I will stick to my Star Wars.
Peter's 1st birthday
It was Peter's 1st birthday on Wed. I felt a little bad because I didn't remember until 2 o'clock when someone asked me how old he was. We don't do much for their first birthdays anyway. I waited till the weekend when everyone was not so busy and we made cupcakes. Peter loved his cupcake he looked so appreciative when I handed him his own cake. Kind of like "You made this for me?" He ate almost all of it then threw the rest on the floor signaling he was done. I guess that is why we keep the dog around. to clean up after the kids meals.
in all seriousness Peter is a great addition to our family. He loves everyone and likes to make people smile. He is very generous in giving people kisses and loves and never fails to melt your heart with his great dimples. We love you Peter!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
big finga
This was so funny I just have to share it. We recently switched Peter to whole cows milk and I make it appoint that no one drink Peters milk. I tried to make sure everyone knew which was which so I pointed out that Peter's milk has a red cap and red lettering. Therefor I called it the red milk.
William made himself a bowl of cereal with you guessed it the red milk. Well I was already frustrated with William for choices he made eariler today so I yelled at him saying "William what color milk did you use?" With innocent eyes he looked up from his bowl of cocoa puffs and said in a small voice. "white" I quickly left the room because I couldn't help crack up. I guess I asked for that.
To top if off Brennen came out of nowhere and pipped up "Big Finga". This is more funny if you know the story behind the word. We like a show called the Big Bang theory and the most annoying and funny character says "bazinga" for the term "gottcha". So our crazy Brennen translates that to words that he knows which is Big Finger pronounced Big Finga.
William made himself a bowl of cereal with you guessed it the red milk. Well I was already frustrated with William for choices he made eariler today so I yelled at him saying "William what color milk did you use?" With innocent eyes he looked up from his bowl of cocoa puffs and said in a small voice. "white" I quickly left the room because I couldn't help crack up. I guess I asked for that.
To top if off Brennen came out of nowhere and pipped up "Big Finga". This is more funny if you know the story behind the word. We like a show called the Big Bang theory and the most annoying and funny character says "bazinga" for the term "gottcha". So our crazy Brennen translates that to words that he knows which is Big Finger pronounced Big Finga.
So at my church we had a birthday party for our Relief Society (That is the women's organization). For the dessert they wanted to have a cupcake decorating contest. I decided to try my luck, after all my sister is a fabulous cupcake designer maybe it runs in the family. (Well enough so I could win a contest) I am no match for my sister. Since it is spring I went with that. I made butterflies and daffodils and a monogram RS. I went to one of my favorite places the Library to check out some books to learn how to make the flowers. It turns out they are not that hard to make. They turned out pretty good for my first try. Everyone was sooo impressed. they all asked me how I did them. I gave my favorite reply "the library". Thanks to my wonderful mother who always took us to the library growing up and her great attitude of "I could probably figure it out" I was a big success. I won the grand prize and $25 cash. Now that is not saying much but for a church activity a $25 cash prize is a lot. Thanks mom and steph!!!
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