Christmas EVE,
We had Christmas vacation in Utah of course. I just can't fathom Christmas without snow. It was great to see everyone. My kids had a blast. William loved being with the boyz. (Shane, Paul, Hyrum, & Grandpa) and Brennen was just so happy to tag along and act like a big kid himself.
On Christmas Eve we have a tradition that everyone gets to open one present. That one present has evolved into PAJAMAS!!!! It was funny to watch everyone open their presents one by one and as soon as the treasure was revealed we all shouted PAJAMAS Yea Yea!! I think we do that so the kids wont be upset that they get clothes and not a toy but its always a laugh. After they are all opened of course we have to have a fashion show. So we all make them try them on. Hyrum was the best model.
We act out some sort of play or program that my mom writes. Its a little different every year. She always does such a good job trying to bring the spirit into Christmas by giving it a fresh new face each year. Well done mom what would we do without you. Yes, all of your efforts are appreciated even if we don't show it we still notice. Your Amazing mom! I am coming to realize that I have to work a little harder each year to get the true spirit of Christmas. I need to be more of a Mary and less of a Martha ( that story in the bible where Christ is coming to visit and Mary is reading her scriptures and Martha is busy cleaning the house.) Maybe that will be my goal this year?
Family we had a good time we love to visit you and hope all are doing well
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