While in Utah we went to the Legacy center. It was a great place, something for everyone. We decided to go swimming at their super awesome pool. It was so cute because it happend to be snowing that day and we told the kids we were going swimming. When we pulled up to the place and told everyone to get out of the car William was quite concerned. He said "Mom I don't think we can go swimming today." Surprised at his comment I gave him a strange look. So he finished his comment by saying "Look mom it SNOWING!!" My sweet William. Growing up in California he has never been to an indoor pool. He thought we would have to swim in the cold and the snow. Once we got inside it was huge. It was a jungle theme. They had a baby section that had little jonny-jump-ups in the water and 2 baby slides with a monkey that squirted water at you. They had a lazy river, a giant tube water slide that anyone could go down (no size restrictions). A big play structure with a good size slide and the biggest bucket you've ever seen that fills with water and dumps on you after the warning bell. This was a winning activity for everyone.
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