
Sunday, January 17, 2010

thanksgiving beach

was a lot of fun. My sister Stephanie and her family came to share the holiday with us. We had a great time! The actual thanksgiving was fine. It is my least favorite holiday because there is so much work involved for such a short celebration. I do have Scott though, he is our master chef. He cooks all of the dinner and I act like an assistant. Everything tasted great. I even got to take the kids to the park a play with them while Scott was cooking.
The following days were fun. We took the Reeves family to one of our favorite beaches and had a picnic. It was a great day to go to the beach. The weather was perfect. almost 80 with the sun shinning and the waves crashing. The waves were doing and awesome thing. Where the the receding waves met the coming waves it created a cool effect that looked like something was being pulled under the water.

The video is not as cool as real life but you get the idea. While Steph and I were making the picnic Brennen got a kite flying all by himself. It was so cute because he waited so patiently for his turn and then volia he did it. We turned around and theres Brennen with a smile a mile wide on his face and the kite in the air. He was so proud of himself. It was a great day. The babies loved the big kids had fun sand jumping, the middle ones got soaked. You couln't ask for a better time.

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