
Friday, August 22, 2014

swing into the sunset Aug 2014

As summer come closer to its end the kids tend to get restless.  This particular day the boys were being extra buggy and I knew if I didn't get them out someone was going to explode.  I had them walk down to the school to teach them some ultimate frisbee with my new cheater frisbee. Lets just say they were terrible.  They argued over who was on whose team, they didn't understand how to play and they got mad when their teammate missed their mark.  So we bagged the firisbee idea and just played on the playground.  I was surprised that they didn't know how to hand upside down on the web or the monkey bars.  I guess that's a girl thing.  So I taught them the fine art of being upside down. and we finished off the day swinging into the sunset.  Its days like this that I need to remember to stop what I am doing and just go play with my kids.  Don't let the electronics take up their play time because its easy.  When they do that they don't learn how to be kids, how to play like a kid.  I will try harder to make more time for just play.  Old school play.

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