
Friday, August 22, 2014

Jim Brickmam summer concert July 2014

 Jim Brickman came to concert at the Draper ampitheater.  I was so excited, he is one of my very favorite pianists.  I feel like he and I have very similar playing styles and I love to get his books when they come out.  Usually he does a Christmas concerts so this was an extra surprise.  Scott really didn't want to go with me so my sweet mom came to be my date.  We had excellent seats (2nd row) and I fell in love with the music all over again.  I felt like I really needed to hear this.  My desire to play has been dwindling rapidly and I hadn't even touched the piano in almost a month.  That is very rare for me when I usually play everyday.  After the concert I went home opened my Jim Brickman books and fell in love with piano again.  I guess sometimes we need a reminder of why we love the things we love.  Music is one of my loves and playing the piano is so calming and comforting to me I don't know what I would do with out that talent.  Thanks mom and dad for making me beg to take lessons.  It made me want it that much more.

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