
Monday, August 25, 2014

Fiesta Birthday for Grandma Pool July 2014

My mom's birthday was nearing so we (My sisters Stephanie, Amy and I) decided to plan a surprise party.  Actually the party had been in the works for several months.  We wanted it to be that big huge party she has always wanted to throw, (not for herself but just to throw a big party).  We decided on a Mexican theme which tend to be a running joke whenever we came across a dilemma.  When worried about what would match or how things would go together we just said, "that's the great thing about a Mexican party, it like what the Mexicans would do."  We kept it a surprise from everyone until the week before the party when we had to invite everyone.  We used all sorts of ways to invite and that ended up biting us in the butt.  Just days after we included some other people, someone let the cat out of the bag.  I was a little mad but what could I do the secret was out and we had to move forward.  Scott couldn't understand why I was taking it so well, he said I should have been more mad but I have learned in my life that sometimes its just better to let it go because anger only creates more anger and hurt.  I could be the bigger person.  

For this party we reserved a park with a nice pavilion, we rented a bounce house, and the best part of all we got a Mariachi band.  Truly the Mariachi band was the hardest thing to come by.  I tried all over and couldn't find one with in my budget, at the eleventh hour we got one thanks to a friend of a friend of a friend.

My sister Stephanie used her magnificent talents to make a beautiful embroidered cake.  I am more and more impressed with each new cake she does.  I keep telling her to go into the cake business maybe someday she will listen to her wiser sister. We spent most of the day before cleaning and setting up so I wouldn't be "crazy party lady" on Scott's day off which was the day of the party.  We Wright women have this thing where hours before a party we turn crazy and start yelling at people and running around like chickens with our heads cut off.  Don't get me wrong we get a ton of stuff done during this time but we are crazy, then as soon as the party starts we flip the switch back to human and are pleasant organized hosts for our guests.
The bounce house was a great addition as it kept the little ones busy the whole evening. The food was a taco bar that was mighty tasty and when the band showed up we definitely had a party.  Some of the Reeves ward members were there and said "this is a family party?  Its way better than any Ward party we've ever had."  I took that as a good sign. Maybe in my next life I will be a party planner.  Its just so fun to come up with ideas and see them come to life.  The guest number wasn't as big as I really wanted but there was still plenty of people and I would do it all again even if it was just for 5 people. Happy Birthday MOM you deserve the best!

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