I had a great time at this show and I am so thankful for my sweetie who patiently watches it with me just because it makes me happy. I love you babe here's to our 14 years of a wonderful life together and many many more.
As I counted back to remember how long we have been married it really doesn't seem that long. Then I look at that number 14 and think of how many people I know that didn't make it that long. I feel like we haven't been married that long, but I also have a hard time remembering life without him. He truly is my best friend. I still get excited when he walks through the door and love that he always holds my hand and gives me sweet kisses just because. Even as we sleep we often find our hands reaching for each other to hold as we drift off to sleep. I know sometimes it annoys my children but I think its important that they see what a strong bond we have. I feel like when we are connected there is nothing we can't get through or accomplish. I can literally feel his strength added to my own when we link fingers. I know it sounds cheesey but that's how it is. I hope everyone can have that, but I DO know that I am more blessed than most.
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