
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hutchingson Museum

While we had cousins over for the Thanksgiving holiday I was desperate to find things for them to do.  Luckily for me it was family week in the city of Lehi.  The local museum here, Hutchingson Museum had a special day with live animals that we could learn about and pet.  They also had lots of little crafts for the kids to do. I was pleasantly surprised that the teenagers enjoyed this just as much as the smaller ones.  It is getting harder and harder to find things to do that all age groups are willing to participate in.  I am coming to the realization that teenagers are so boring.  They really don't want to do much.  Thankfully they loved the animals.  With one exception to the reptiles.  My niece unbeknownst to her family was terrified of the lizards, snakes, spiders, and cockroaches. I mean terrified!  She refused to even walk into the room.  After much pleaded, prodding, and pushing she finally ran straight through the room to the next one.  It was her loss.  The rest of us spent most of our time in this room.  Brennen couldn't get enough of the turtles and I thought the corn snake was absolutely beautiful.  Who could not  love the lizards with their vibrant greens and curious eyes.  I think I spent a half and hour with the snakes and turtles alone.  The one down side, now my boys want a snake, turtle, or lizard for a pet.  I am not really against it, we just can't have pets until we buy a house.  
After we had our fill with the birds and reptiles we settled ourselves down for a demonstration followed by a Q&A about bald eagles and Golden eagles.
While listening to the bird handler there was a place where you could dress up in the same room.  Brennen kept trying on the different outfits and coming up to me with the silliest little comments directed by his clothing.  It was a little distracting but he was having fun so I was having fun. It was a great way to kill a couple of hours.  It got the moody teenagers out of the house and interacting with something other than their ipods, and the little ones had a fun discovering the wonders that life has to offer.  I think I will keep this little activity tucked away for next year.

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