
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Halloween is losing its appeal

Halloween is usually one of my favorite holidays.  I love the creativity that goes with it.  The chance to be someone you're not, the decorations, and the parties.  However it is slowly loosing its place in favorite holidays of mine as my kids get older.  It is starting to become more work and less fun.  First is the dilemma of the costumes.  They seems to change their minds everyday.  When they finally stick with something I get the costume made and they don't even wear it.  They would rather dig something out of the dress ups box.
William the "ice ninja"
I think the other reason for the decline of a once favored celebration is the culture here.  They just don't do Halloween right.  More than half of my neighborhood doesn't even celebrate it.  I don't know if they think its evil or they are just lazy but its definitely a downer. All of that being said my kids did pretty good with costumes this year and as long as I had no expectations it was fine.  The traditional school parade was fine and my witches brooms that I created for Brennen's class treat turned out cute and just easy enough for the kids to do.  
We tried to do a family party but it didn't quite come together as planned but the kids got enough candy to satisfy them.  This year was a pretty lame Halloween but at least I can still get my Sweetie to dress up.
A couple of good things that I can remember about this year; as I was trick-or-treating with T.k. I asked him how he felt about it.  His reply, "WooHoo!"
My sweet nephew Landon was hilarious.  As we get to one house he exclaims, "Why are you guys wasting your candy, giving to us.  You guys are crazy."

Amy and Jared win best costume

My mom as dia de los muerta


Peter the dragon, Brennen batman, William ice ninja, Landon skeleton, Sam a guy from Halo

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