
Sunday, August 25, 2013

One more lake trip

Last day at the lake.  I really really really wanted to have one more day at the lake.  I told everyone we were going to Yuba on Saturday if they wanted to go they were welcome if not their loss.  To my surprise everyone wanted to go.  It was Shane's birthday and he invited some friends to join us at the lake.  I was worried that we weren't going to get a spot so I got my family ready Friday night so we could head out early Saturday.  When we got there I was disappointed the beach was fairly crowded and the weather did not want to cooperate.  It was a little cold and very cloudy and VERY windy.  We drove right on the beach to save a spot and then we just sat in the car to wait.  Wait for the weather to clear up and wait for the rest of the group to come.  Scott text the family to give them the news of the weather but they were not swayed.  I was sure it was going to clear up in an hour.  I got out my beach chair and my book and sat in the sand to read.  To drown out the negativity of certain people in my car that were sure it was a bust and we should call it a day.  My stubbornness kicked in and I just sat, on the beach, with my book, sometimes staring at the sky, sometimes staring at the words in my book not really reading them.
Brennen and Sam
Lucy getting precious junk food
I NEEDED this day at the lake.  I wanted it to happen so bad I was just willing it to get better.  We are currently under a bit of stress due to purchasing a home and I just needed the beach to calm me and tell me everything was going to be fine.  
While living in California I always headed to the beach at times of stress.  There is just something soothing about the waves, the water, the sun, the sand, the breeze. I don't know what it is but it has amazing healing powers for me.  Nothing else matters at the beach, its like time stands still so you can live in the moment, not worrying about the future and life can't run you over when you're at the beach.  So I needed this day.  
The birthday boy Shane
Luckily my kids can see an opportunity and seize  it.  They donned their life jackets and went body surfing in the waves.  They couldn't have been happier.  "Its like the real beach mom!" they said.  I don't think they realized how much they missed it until they had a taste of it again.  I was so grateful they saw the silver lining of these very dark clouds.
Once everyone arrived we chatted while the kids played in the sand and then the mud.  A couple of people got stuck in the sand, so we spent a good amount of time digging them out.  This just added to my sour mood and I took my aggression out on the digging which turned out to be a bad thing with someone with a bad back.  After digging out my sister and ripping off her bumper in the process my back was done for.  I really hate when I do that because it always takes a couple of days before I am whole again.  It's so frustrating to have limitations.
happy Maria and Kate
Jackson, Wyatt, Shane, Ellie, Paul, and William
  After a few hours of hanging out on the beach the weather began to calm and so did I.  We launched the boats and wave runners right from the beach and enjoyed the precious moments of calm weather. I took out the wave runner to experience that free flying feeling, letting all my cares get brushed off by the wind as I careened across the water jumping the waves and feeling the spray. 
dangerous black clouds
Chris being buried in this mud hole
It actually turned out to be a nice day at the beach.  Shane got the wake board he always wanted and everyone got  to play in the water, ski, tube, knee board, or just ride in the boat or on a wave runner.  
I was just what the doctor ordered.

TK loving the soda

Amy and Jared relaxing

Georgia and Jenni

launching the boat from the shore.  I am a pro at backing up

Hyrum and Jenni

Collin, Sam, and Matt

Happy birthday Shane

Last ditch effort for summer fun

William scoping out planets
Peter loved this thing.  we couldn't pull him away
Brennen conjuring up magic
As we were nearing the end of summer I always get that feeling of did we do enough fun stuff?  But on the other end we are all totally worn out and sick of each other, that more together time doesn't seem as fun as it should.  So we tried all these different parks where it was minimal effort on my part but something fun and different for the kids, and most importantly it got them out of the house.  Or maybe its more important that I get out if the house.  I don't know what it is about me, but I feel liked a caged animal if I don't get out of the house every day.   Also when I am home all I see is work and projects that need to be done and lets face it when we are at the end of summer I have no motivation to do them.  You can only clean the house so many times in one day before you go crazy.  My number is 3.  I realize I should just let it be and only clean once but my OCD kicks in and I can't relax.  It slowly eats at my soul and I progressively get grouchy.  Ahh such is life.
Brennen on Mars
Back to summer.
 Scott took us up to the Clark Planetarium for something to do.  This was a last minute idea but one I was up for.  I love going the these kinds of places.  In fact I don't know if we go for the kids or because we love it.  Either way its a win win.  I couldn't believe how much time the kids spent with the cloud simulator and the electricity ball.

 Another day we found another Cupcake Wars winner.  My kids and I love this show so whenever we find a local winner we are sure to check them out.  This company Cravings has a cute little shop with cupcakes that are to die for yum!  The ones we tried were Peaches and Cream, Maple and Bacon, Coconut cream, Better than What? Girl scout Samoa cookie, and fruit tart.  I can personally say there were all fabulous.  The peaches and cream was made with fresh peaches and the thickest most delectable cream I have ever tasted.   I loved the fresh peach surprise within the cupcake.  The maple and Bacon was as expected very yummy but some were so much more tasty. The fruit tart was fresh and creamy with all fresh fruits nothing canned.  The coconut cream transported me back to the island of Hawaii drinking pina colada's on the beach with sun warming my skin and the sand in my toes.  The better than What? cake was pretty close to being better than what. . . So full of complimentary flavors that I wanted more.  The Samoa was my absolute favorite.  They make their own samoa's they don't use the girl scout ones and I could have eaten 5 of the cookies alone.  Oh thinking about it now my mouth is watering.  Not only are these cupcakes delicious but they are beautiful as well.  It was so hard to decide which ones to get we will just have to make another day of it to try the rest.

 When I ran out of ideas it was different parks that we tried.  Our first park out of the norm was Neptune park in Saratoga Springs.  They have a 30 foot pyramid.  There are only a handful of these in the world.  The kids had a great time seeing how far they dared to climb.  Brennen was quite hesitant so I showed him what to do and how to step his feet.  After a little reassurance he climbed higher and higher each time.  This is a kid that you just let him figure it out.  He will push himself, just give him a little time.  I myself tried out all the equipment having almost as much fun as the kids.  I even scootered around the park and with out knowing it picked up a few followers.  These little kids just kept following me as if I were the Pied Piper.  I really didn't mind but I am sure the mothers were wondering how I got these kids to follow me.  One mother watched me for awhile and when she realized I was not a threat chatted with me a little then went back to her workout as I entertained her son.

Lastly we tried the Oquirrh Lake park.  This was something I thought could be fun.  We've had a blast all the other times we came to this lake, but my kids didn't want to do anything.  I think they were officially burned out but I needed to get out of the house and I knew if I left the kids home they would destroy my clean house.  So against their wishes I had them pile in the car and promised them a picnic with fast food.  Once we got there it was just okay. We ate our lunch but the kids really didn't want to do much.  We fed the fish and the ducks, that was the highlight of the day.  We waded in the water and half heartedly played on the playground.  I know when I've lost a battle so I packed them back up and we headed home.  You just can't win them all but at least I tried.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mary Poppins

For my mom's birthday we took her for a trip down to St. George to go see Mary Poppins.  This has been a rough year and I wanted to do something for her to make her birthday special.  The trip didn't turn out as I had originally had it planned but it was fine.  Not amazing but not a bummer either.  We holed up in my sister-in-law Sarah's aunt house.  The house turned out to be as good as expected and most importantly they had a pool to which we took full advantage.  Peter practiced his swimming skills he's getting pretty good and everyone worked on their diving skills.  Some were more successful than others.
Mary Poppins was pretty good.  Not Tuachan's best show but it had its moments.  I was really impressed with the set design.  They had 7 major set pieces that they brought on and off the stage.  My favorite scene hands down was the chimney sweep number. It was so full of energy, dance, and stunts.  I think its everyone's favorite.
The day of the play was really hot.  I was getting prepared because my Scott can't handle the heat well.  It's just not pleasant for anyone when he is too hot.  So in preparation I went to Target and bought a couple of those little fans and one that squirts water.  A few dollars well spent to keep him happy and let me enjoy the show.  As showtime got near the sky got dark.  Not dark from dusk but dark from storm clouds.  It was really starting to pick up.  Scott was worried that the show would be cancelled.  I said it couldn't be cancelled because we came all this way.  I suggested that we just say a prayer that it didn't rain on Tuachann.  He thought I was silly but I knew if it was important to me Heavenly Father could try to advert the storm.  If it was His will of course.  So I said my little prayer and wouldn't you know it that storm passed up Tuachan.  We did get a few droplets of water but its such a narrow canyon I think it found an easier way.  I have to admit I was a little smug about it.  It was just another testament that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers even if they seem small.
That being said Mother Nature did do a lot to interact with the play.  When there was thunder and lighting in certain scenes Mother Nature played her part and added a little extra.  Making the special effects extra special.  There is also a part where Mary releases a "bird"  (she just throw feathers) but right at that exact moment a bat swooped by and up over the crowd just like it was planned.  We did get just a few drops of rain but not enough to even wreck our hair, and the temperature was perfect! 
the entire lake
While we were down there we check out Gunlock resivour to see if it could be an alternate lake instead of Sand Hollow.  Our last experience with swimmers itch has really turned everyone off of that lake.
Gunlock was a ways out there and a tiny little thing.  It was an interesting drive through the Indian reservation and seeing ruins but I was glad we checked it out in person before we hauled down the toys and made a day of it.
lizard hunt
With that being a bust we stopped by the historical home of Jacob Hamblin.  Leave it to us to sneak in some type of learning on a vacation.


Peter getting braver




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