
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Peter Pie and nickle city

 We had a lot going on during Peter's birthday so we opted for a small family affair and went to Nickle City.  An arcade place where everything is around a nickle.  I was a little disappointed in myself because I usually give my kids their first birthday party when they turn 4 and poor Peter is the only one who didn't get one yet.  In my defense we just got back from Hawaii and my dad was needing extra care that took up all my extra time.
If you ask Peter he had a wonderful birthday.  I guess when you don't know what your missing, it doesn't matter.  He was more than happy to play the games for a few hours then have a cake that he picked out all by himself.
Peter is a very sweet kid.  In fact that's how he got his nickname Peter Pie.  Because he is as sweet as pie. Although if you ask him he thinks its actually part of his name.  He is usually a happy kid that loves to try everything his big brothers do.  Occasionally he suffers from what we call Napoleon syndrome.  He is such a little guy that he feels he has to be extra feisty to hold his own.  If you get him mad enough there is a lot of rage built up in that tiny body.  Luckily it burns up just as quickly.  Other than that Peter has been an absolute joy.  I love his silliness he thoughtfulness and his willingness to give extra loves and kisses all the time.
He is quick to give heartfelt compliments, and he always seems to know when someone needs one. He is always willing to share IF you ask.  If you don't ask he gets mad, so just ask and he will give you anything you want.  He is one special kid.  I love you Peter Pie.

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