
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Brennen turns 6

 For Brennen's birthday we woke up to a blizzard.  I couldn't believe how much snow was coming down, it was almost a whiteout.  I asked Brennen about 10 times if he wanted to have a party with friends or just go do an activity with the family.   He chose to do an activity.  I felt bad about not doing a party for Peter and I was looking forward to doing a party but he chose no party.  That is why I asked him 10 times.  I wanted to make sure it was his idea. However out of all my children if I asked them this question I knew it would be Brennen that said a family activity.  He is a little more reserved and content.  He's a lot like his mom.  Shy at the begining and just content to watch, then go and do his own thing on his own.
 Brennen LOVES to cook/bake.  He just loves good food.  He is always there ready to help with out being asked.  So for his birthday cake he wanted to help make it.  Actually he wanted to make the whole thing by himself, but I needed to help with some of it.  He mixed the batter added the oil, cracked the eggs, scrapped the bowl.  Then helped make the frosting and piping the decorating.  He wanted a Sand Man cake so this is his rendition.  He is my little artist.  I could see him baking and designing cakes when he gets older.
For his activity he really wanted to go to Jump On It, a trampoline park with wall to wall trampolines.
If I had thought ahead I would have planned my activities better.  (We went to Jump On it a couple of days later.)  I went running in the morning, then did tons of yard work during the day, then jump on it in the evening.  To say I was exhausted at the end of the day was an understatement.  But it was still a ton of fun.

Shortly after his birthday Brennen decided it was finally time for him to officially learn how to ride a 2 wheeler.  Now I taught him how to ride last year but he really lacked confidence  and had a hard time starting by himself.  So this time he was ready, really ready.  We went outside and after 1 time with balance help and a quick explanation of how to start and stop he is an old pro.  Now he rides all day and all night.  Practicing, practicing, practicing, getting better and faster. That's one of the great things about Brennen is is a self starter, and self motivator.

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