
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Oh what fun it is to ride. . .

Oh what fun it is to ride in a 1 kids open sleigh. . .

I chose today to go sledding with my kids.  Even though it seems like it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r to get them ready in their snow clothes it always turns out to be a fun activity. We went to a new hill for us, not as great as our usual "Kmart hill"  but a lot less crowded and closer so it evens out.  Peter who was fearless last year took a 180 and was the whiniest scaredy cat this year.  I don't know what to say but that I chalk it up to three-year-old's.  They really aren't my favorite.  That and he hasn't been feeling very well, so I guess I have to cut him a little slack.  The rest of us had a good time careening down the slopes with the cold nipping at our faces and making our cheeks the prettiest rosy color. Giving Williams hair the wind blown look and laughing and woo hooing all the way down.
Brennen tired on his last run.

I maintain that the boogie board is still the best sled.  You can try all the fancy shmancy sleds you like but the best ones are the cheap plastic jobs (and the boogie board).  After sledding for over and hour and trekking back up the hill about 50 times, carrying Peter up each time we were ready to call it a day.  A successful fun day.

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