
Saturday, December 22, 2012

music recitals

Tis the season for music recitals.  Starting with the one for my students.  I have to admit I was a little stressed.  It couldn't have possibly been the 30 thousand things I had to do.  I had a hard time finding a time that worked with all my students schedules, my schedule, and a venue.  My first idea was have it a nursing home but who knew they booked up so quickly.  That left having it at a church which also books quickly.  I had to piggyback on a senior singles event that was going on. They made it sound like it was going to be a huge inconvienece to have my recital there but they would let me have a room.  Once I got there it was totally fine for me to use a bigger room.  I don't know why some people are so picky.  I didn't encroach on their event at ALL.  I was also a little nervous because I decided to perform a couple of pieces.  I realized I haven't preformed in front of an audience for a long time.  Everything went really well.  I think I was more nervous for my students then they were.  They all did beautifully, I was so proud.  I made these cute sugar cookies as part of the refreshments. At the end of the recital I really wanted to give my students a little music something (like an ornament)  but I looked high and low with no success.  So I gave each student a box of sour patch kids with a Christmas ball that I painted a glitter treble clef on and a note that said "You didn't hit one sour note.  Great Job.  May  you always have music in your life. -Merry Christmas."
Ellie's recital went okay.  She was nervous and didn't play her best but I knew what she really sounds like so I was proud of her.

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