
Monday, January 7, 2013

shrunken turkey

Now that Peter is getting older and trying to understand the world better he says some of the funniest things. For dinner on Sunday Scott talked me into cooking a duck.  I had never cooked duck before but thought I would try it out.  It came out just fine.  I had it resting on the stove when Peter came into the kitchen with an accusing tone "MOM SOMEONE SHRUNK THE TURKEY, WHO SHRUNK THE TURKEY?" I thought it was funny.  I tried to explain to him that it wasn't a turkey it was a duck.  He immediately told me with a run on sentence that "We don't eat duck because they have blood in them and they poop eggs out of their butt's, but we can't say butt's 'cause that's a potty word."
On Sunday I wanted to prepare Peter for going into primary.  I reminded him that now that he is 3 he gets to go to the big kid primary and not the baby nursery.  To which he replied, "Ya I know mom.  I'm a big kid now and that means I can make my own decisions!"  I told him as long as he makes good decisions I'm okay with that.
The things that come out of this kids mouth.  I swear I could die. Doesn't he know he's only 3?

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