
Thursday, July 7, 2011


Well we finally did it. We loaded all our stuff and headed out to Utah. By the way I seriously underestimated how much stuff I have. I loaded a 8x8x16 pod FULL, a 6x12 trailer FULL and I still had more junk. We had to rent another 6x12 trailer filled that to the gills and stuffed our cars to the max. Scott, Ellie, and William took the first trailer half way to Cedar City to Tracie's house while I cleaned and packed the last of the house. Scott came back the next day without the kids. (apparently they wanted to stay at cousins, I don't blame them.)After that it was a mad exhausting dash to finish it all.
We were doing the last of the cleaning at 11pm, the next day was trash day and everyone had their trash cans out on the street. I reasoned that the trash gets picked up around 7am so it would not be a problem for me to put my overflow trash in my surrounding neighbors cans. I woke up early in the morning only to find that 1 of my neighbors was not willing to share his can and took out the trash I put in his can and dumped it in my front yard. I was sooooo mad steam was coming out of my ears. I didn't fill his can to the top, I still left room for one more bag of trash just in case.
WHATEVER just add it to the list of things that stink about moving.

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