
Monday, July 18, 2011

Little Mermaid

while we were in St. george my sisters, mom, dad and I went to the little mermaid at Tuachaun theater.  Can I just say amazing.  The story was basically the little Mermaid with a twist but the great thing was the set.  Its background was BEAUTIFUL. The stage is outdoor. The red mountains towered over us it was really quite amazing.  It all started with a little waterfall coming off the mountain that grew as the music swelled.  The water overflowed out of its little pond/pool and spilled onto the stage, covering the entire stage in a sheet of water.  Quite a way to start a show.  One ingenious thing was how the actors "swam"  Every one was wearing Heelys so they just glided across the stage as graceful as if they were really in the water. Another awsome thing was the sheet of water they had falling down from the rafters and they projected pictures on the water.  For instance when Eric was tossed overboard and sinking in the ocean he was suspended in a harness and they projected fish on the wall of water which made him look like he was really sinking. Pretty Cool.

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