
Thursday, July 7, 2011

To have a house or Not,....NOT

We arrived safely to our destination. I was just so glad to have it all over with. Or was it. We had done all our research on the Internet about out new house. We would be renting until we knew better what we were going to do. I had my sister go check things out for me, everything sounded good so we sent a security check to hold the house for us.
We got to the house and found it was not what it was supposed to be. It boasted over 3000 square feet. Only half of it was finished. It boasted 4 good bedrooms. The master was fine, one of the bedrooms would only have room for the crib, and the second and third would definitely NOT fit the bunk beds. They told my sister that a vinyl fence was being put up in the backyard to separate the horses. not true. There was a hair salon in the garage that I didn't know about but they told my sister it was being torn out. They told me the landlady would be working in it a couple of times a month. That wouldn't be horrible except for the fact that she is CRAZY and not the good kind of crazy. SO what's a family to do? We walked away and asked for our deposit back. Luckily we didn't sign any papers yet.
So now we are homeless. Luckily we have wonderful family that has been so kind and generous to us. I feel so bad about mooching. Hopeful it is not for long.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is a crazy bummer. Yeah, thank heavens you have family up there already. Sorry to hear. We miss you guys. Please post updates when things get better.



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