
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Family Reunion


So we had a family reunion in St. George. YAY !!!
I was so excited to see family and have fun. Just what I needed to help deal with the stress of trying to move.  Although. . .  It was schedule right in the middle of the move.  Not ideal for scheduling but whatever I was still good to go.  We all headed out to this big house with a pool right on a golf course that my  parents rented. It was a great space for our WHOLE crew. (I have 7 bros & sis who each have kids.)

We tried to have a theme for each day, tried being the operative word.  There was just so much to do, and so many cousins to play with, and swimming to do.  Some successful days were mermaid day, and pirate day. We had octopus and seaweed for lunch. (hotdogs and raman noodles colored green) A treasure hunt was  a must for pirate day which was done with flashlights to make it soooo much better. Out of 20 grandkids only 6 are girls. With all those boys flashlights are a MUST.
My favorite part was the lake.  We went to sand Hollow.  It was kind of like a mini Lake Powell which we used to go to every year.  As I was crusing on the wave runner with the wind in my hair the spray on my face and the beautiful red rocks and sand all around It felt like those Lake Powell days all over again. We all had a great time driving boats, jumping off rocks, playing volleyball, swimming, and basking in the sunshine
Grandpa also brought the 4-wheelers but it was too hot to ride.  Everyone had a great time and it didn't seem enough so we had to spend one more day at the lake.  This time Scott couldn't go with us :(  He had to fly back to California to work.
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