
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Some things I miss. . .

The MOUNTAINS!!! I love my mountains. You can show me a hundred different pictures of mountains and I can tell you which ones are mine. I love how grand and majestic they are. I love how they make you feel safe and protected. I love how they look during different seasons. I love that they are so close for hiking, sledding, biking, camping etc.

The SNOW!! I love the beautiful snow. I love how it glistens like diamonds in the sunshine. I love when it covers everything in a blanket of white creating beauty as it falls. I love to play in it. I love how it makes trees look like a work of art. I love the sound it makes as it falls gently to the ground. (You must be very quiet but you can here it settling on top itself.) I love the crunching sound it makes when you walk across it. Or the swooshing sound it makes when you sled or ski over it. I love how it becomes a sound buffer and makes everything sooo quiet. Its beautiful and amazing.

My Family. My wonderful FAMILY!!!! Some of my best friends are my family. I feel like I could hang out with them all day. I always feel like we are doing good and then we visit and I realize all the things I’m missing out on. Inside jokes, family and friends in need and I can’t be there to help. Special occasions like birthdays, baptisms, baby blessings, etc. Whenever we come back from visiting Scott says “let the melancholy begin.” There is nothing like family.

These are just a few of the things I miss about living in Utah. Yes I realize we have beautiful sunshine, but I miss the change of seasons. I know we have great beaches but they don’t quite compare to the security of the mountains. I also know there is lots to do here, but if you don’t have great people to do them with whats the point? Don’t get me wrong I am not unhappy about living here there are just some things I miss….

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