
Monday, January 31, 2011

Peter Mashup

It was so cute. Peter was singing every song he knows but he put them all in one song like a mash-up. Of course as soon as I got the camera out he "petered out" (yes punn intended) My favorite line he put together was, "the wiseman put the popcorn in his mouth." I guess I could see his rational anyway he started singing wiseman foolish man then added popcorn popping, creep them creep them, roll your hands, jingle bells, and I'm not sure what else but he was singing it with gusto. I love his little voice. It just goes to show that they truly are paying attention to everything we expose them to.

Excuse the amature video. I was just trying to see what a new programs capabilities were.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Today Brennen comes up to me and asks
"Mom can I eat the babies?"
Babies? What?...
"MOM!!! C-A-N I E-A-T B-A-B-I-E-S?"
Okay now I give him my full attention. "I don't understand. What do you want buddy?"
"I want to eat babies?"
Think this through rationally. He couldn't possibly be asking about real babies.
What babies do you want to eat?
He holds up these...

Oh you mean peanuts? (He just shrugs his shoulders) This was his first experience with peanuts in their shells. Appartenly peanuts look like babies to him. I guess they could look like babies wrapped like a burritio.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January beach day

Those of you that have read my earlier post will probably think I can't make up my mind. However my motto is to enjoy my life where I'm at right now. Never waiting for things to happen or change to my ideal.
Today was an unusually warm day 85 degrees in January. So we decided to take the day off and head to the beach. It was about 77 at the beach. Poor Ellie was not feeling well but I thought the fresh air would help her feel better. We packed the car and headed out to one of my favorite winter beaches. For some reason this beach is better in the winter than the summer. It was a great day to get away. Scott and I are coming up on the end of our 5 year plan so we have been trying to put together another 5-10 year plan for our family. The talking consists mainly of employment and housing. All very valid subjects but a lot of hard decisions.

Today was a day just for fun. Just for now. The tide was really low so there were a lot of tide pools where we watched the sea come to life. I love the picture of the sea urchin and then the close up of the same one. To me it looks like graphic art. It just goes to show how much time and detail was put into this beautiful earth for us to enjoy. The water was even warm enough to get in. I do love days like this, where nothing else matters but to just enjoy what is around us. Usually with me that includes water. I blame it on my mother. I believe she is really part mermaid. If only I could prove it. . .

Utah activities

Here are a few fun things we did in Utah. I do love how everything is very family friendly.
We did some good ol fashioned Minute to Win it games. The kids all had a great time with that obviously.

Sledding. The wind was super cold but the snow was good. I am realizing the older your kids get the funner sledding is. They actually enjoy it even if its cold. Check out Brennen. He would assume the position before every time down the hill.
{Hands in front of Face}

Bowling was a hit. Actually the little kids had a blast rolling the balls around in their stands. Again check out Brennen. His craziness was after he got a strike. It was pretty sad, all the babies got the best scores. I guess it helps when you have a roller and bumpers.

A new thing we did was a place called "Jump on it" can I say super fun. Basically it is a room with wall to wall trampolines. I went with my sister-in-law Sarah and her 3 kids. Her little Georgia is such a sweet heart. We were all quite tiered after a day there. Of course there were much more fun activities but hey I had to put the camera down and join the fun myself.

Grandpa's are great

It was Christmas morning. The kids wake up early but not too early They come to let us know.
We start with the stocking. once we've checked out our loot, its time for PRESENTS.
I was excited. I got them a few things they never thought they were going to get. Including a Nintendo DS for William.
Before we could get started with the weaker gifts like clothes, flashlight , and batteries. . . My Dad tells William to go check out the back yard. What does he find? Only every little boys dream. His very own FOUR WHEELER!!!
So now everything else looks like nothing in his eyes. Thanks Grandpa (insert sigh here)
All joking aside. He LOVES the four wheeler. He had so much fun driving it around the neighborhood. If it wasn't so cold he probably would have slept with it in the garage.

Some things I miss. . .

The MOUNTAINS!!! I love my mountains. You can show me a hundred different pictures of mountains and I can tell you which ones are mine. I love how grand and majestic they are. I love how they make you feel safe and protected. I love how they look during different seasons. I love that they are so close for hiking, sledding, biking, camping etc.

The SNOW!! I love the beautiful snow. I love how it glistens like diamonds in the sunshine. I love when it covers everything in a blanket of white creating beauty as it falls. I love to play in it. I love how it makes trees look like a work of art. I love the sound it makes as it falls gently to the ground. (You must be very quiet but you can here it settling on top itself.) I love the crunching sound it makes when you walk across it. Or the swooshing sound it makes when you sled or ski over it. I love how it becomes a sound buffer and makes everything sooo quiet. Its beautiful and amazing.

My Family. My wonderful FAMILY!!!! Some of my best friends are my family. I feel like I could hang out with them all day. I always feel like we are doing good and then we visit and I realize all the things I’m missing out on. Inside jokes, family and friends in need and I can’t be there to help. Special occasions like birthdays, baptisms, baby blessings, etc. Whenever we come back from visiting Scott says “let the melancholy begin.” There is nothing like family.

These are just a few of the things I miss about living in Utah. Yes I realize we have beautiful sunshine, but I miss the change of seasons. I know we have great beaches but they don’t quite compare to the security of the mountains. I also know there is lots to do here, but if you don’t have great people to do them with whats the point? Don’t get me wrong I am not unhappy about living here there are just some things I miss….

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas Eve 2010

As I get older I realize how easy it is to get caught up in all the commercalism of Christmas. With trying to get all the "have to's" done it can seem more like extra work than celebrating the birth of our Savior. Some years it is very easy for me to have the "Spirit of Christmas" right from the start. Other years I have a harder time trying to get that special feeling. This started out as one of those years. I would get glimpses of it here and there, but the main special feeling was alluding me.
Scott says when Christmas gets like that it is because we don't associate the symbols of Christmas for what they should be. If every time we saw Christmas lights we think the Star of Bethlehem, and every time we saw a candy cane of the color red we think of shepherds and Christ... Then it is easy to have the Spirit with you.
I don't know if I am that hard headed, spacey, or have rowdy kids that make it hard for that still small voice (feeling) to be heard (or felt) but I couldn't get the Spirit to stick for very long. That was until our annual Christmas Eve program. The whole family was there and everyone participated. The kids did a good job, and the music and other stories/comments were just the thing I needed.

I could probably draw a parallel with it not actually being Christmas until the Christ child was born. . . I couldn't feel that amazing Spirit until our "Christ Child was born" Either way I was glad to have that feeling, and another testimony that I know Christ came to this earth for us.


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