Sledding 2010
Its always good to get out sledding. However now I realize why we don't do it very often. It takes us f o r e v e r to get ready, then we are only out their for and hour or two. Still its fun and we are making memories. Not to mention it was good company. There was a few scuffles about who's turn it was to ride the good sleds. Shane took care of that because he would jump on who ever had a good sled as they went down. The babies did not like the sledding. I don't know if it was the snow flying in their faces as they whooshed down the hill at an alarming speed. The uncomfortable giant bundle of clothes they were wrapped in, or if it was the cold that bit at their little noses and toes. I guess they are just too young to appreciate fun. Brennen was a little trooper. He would make a great pioneer. He has some stamina. He must have hiked up that hill 50times with out ever complaining. He wait for someone to go down the hill with then hike up and sit on any available sled ready for another run. That kid could walk 20 miles. . . It would take him forever, but he would do it.