
Sunday, January 24, 2010


Sledding 2010
Its always good to get out sledding. However now I realize why we don't do it very often. It takes us f o r e v e r to get ready, then we are only out their for and hour or two. Still its fun and we are making memories. Not to mention it was good company. There was a few scuffles about who's turn it was to ride the good sleds. Shane took care of that because he would jump on who ever had a good sled as they went down. The babies did not like the sledding. I don't know if it was the snow flying in their faces as they whooshed down the hill at an alarming speed. The uncomfortable giant bundle of clothes they were wrapped in, or if it was the cold that bit at their little noses and toes. I guess they are just too young to appreciate fun. Brennen was a little trooper. He would make a great pioneer. He has some stamina. He must have hiked up that hill 50times with out ever complaining. He wait for someone to go down the hill with then hike up and sit on any available sled ready for another run. That kid could walk 20 miles. . . It would take him forever, but he would do it.

Discovery Science Center

We went to the discovery science center in Salt Lake it was right up my alley. Then again I love all that sciency stuff. And yes I said "sciency". Some of my favorite items were the music ones of course and the magnets. They had this great magnet wall that I would totally have in my house if I had a play room. It was a wall covered in sheet metal from floor to celing. They had all of the pvc pieces attatched to magnets that you could arrange in any way imaginable, then you sent a little ball rolling down to see what you could make it do. William could have spent the entire day if not the entire week playing with that wall. Brennen loved just about everything. Although I think his favorite was the water feature. It was like a huge water table with different things in it to make water squirt up or flow a different way. They even had ping pong balls that the kids could use to see how the water flowed. Ellie was happiest about the television broadcast of course. We all know how much she loves to be in front of the camera. It was a lot of fun and a great way to kill a cold december day in Utah. I give it 2 thumbs up.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

legacy center

While in Utah we went to the Legacy center. It was a great place, something for everyone. We decided to go swimming at their super awesome pool. It was so cute because it happend to be snowing that day and we told the kids we were going swimming. When we pulled up to the place and told everyone to get out of the car William was quite concerned. He said "Mom I don't think we can go swimming today." Surprised at his comment I gave him a strange look. So he finished his comment by saying "Look mom it SNOWING!!" My sweet William. Growing up in California he has never been to an indoor pool. He thought we would have to swim in the cold and the snow. Once we got inside it was huge. It was a jungle theme. They had a baby section that had little jonny-jump-ups in the water and 2 baby slides with a monkey that squirted water at you. They had a lazy river, a giant tube water slide that anyone could go down (no size restrictions). A big play structure with a good size slide and the biggest bucket you've ever seen that fills with water and dumps on you after the warning bell. This was a winning activity for everyone.

Reeves and Disneyland

While the Reeves where with us we went to Disneyland. It looked really crowded but the wait for rides was only about 10 min. Everyone was excited to see each other again and prove just how brave they were by going on any rides deemed "scary" William and even little Hyrum went on the tower of terror. I asked William if he knew what terror meant. He said no, but it didn't matter because he was going on it anyway. It is hard to say what everyones favorite ride was. Probably soaring over California, or the jungle cruise (our guide happend to be extra funny that day.) It was so nice to have family come to us. I know its hard for people to take time out of their lives and make that L O N G drive but we truly appreciated it. Thanks fam for coming to visit us once in a while. We love ya

thanksgiving beach

was a lot of fun. My sister Stephanie and her family came to share the holiday with us. We had a great time! The actual thanksgiving was fine. It is my least favorite holiday because there is so much work involved for such a short celebration. I do have Scott though, he is our master chef. He cooks all of the dinner and I act like an assistant. Everything tasted great. I even got to take the kids to the park a play with them while Scott was cooking.
The following days were fun. We took the Reeves family to one of our favorite beaches and had a picnic. It was a great day to go to the beach. The weather was perfect. almost 80 with the sun shinning and the waves crashing. The waves were doing and awesome thing. Where the the receding waves met the coming waves it created a cool effect that looked like something was being pulled under the water.

The video is not as cool as real life but you get the idea. While Steph and I were making the picnic Brennen got a kite flying all by himself. It was so cute because he waited so patiently for his turn and then volia he did it. We turned around and theres Brennen with a smile a mile wide on his face and the kite in the air. He was so proud of himself. It was a great day. The babies loved the big kids had fun sand jumping, the middle ones got soaked. You couln't ask for a better time.

Christmas Eve

Christmas EVE,
We had Christmas vacation in Utah of course. I just can't fathom Christmas without snow. It was great to see everyone. My kids had a blast. William loved being with the boyz. (Shane, Paul, Hyrum, & Grandpa) and Brennen was just so happy to tag along and act like a big kid himself.
On Christmas Eve we have a tradition that everyone gets to open one present. That one present has evolved into PAJAMAS!!!! It was funny to watch everyone open their presents one by one and as soon as the treasure was revealed we all shouted PAJAMAS Yea Yea!! I think we do that so the kids wont be upset that they get clothes and not a toy but its always a laugh. After they are all opened of course we have to have a fashion show. So we all make them try them on. Hyrum was the best model.
We act out some sort of play or program that my mom writes. Its a little different every year. She always does such a good job trying to bring the spirit into Christmas by giving it a fresh new face each year. Well done mom what would we do without you. Yes, all of your efforts are appreciated even if we don't show it we still notice. Your Amazing mom! I am coming to realize that I have to work a little harder each year to get the true spirit of Christmas. I need to be more of a Mary and less of a Martha ( that story in the bible where Christ is coming to visit and Mary is reading her scriptures and Martha is busy cleaning the house.) Maybe that will be my goal this year?
Family we had a good time we love to visit you and hope all are doing well


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