
Monday, June 13, 2011

Teacher gifts

Two days before school was out I realized that I didn't get the teacher gifts yet. This last month has been so hectic but what month isn't hectic. I have just been so overwhelmed with the move to Utah that it seems to be all consuming. Thank goodness for family fun magazine. As I was sifting through I came across these little beauties. Of course I can't do anything without altering it for my own style but I think they still turned out cute. They were so easy. I used scrapbook paper and crayons. For the writing paper I printed it off from the internet on cardstock. Glued it all together and put them in shadow boxes. The teachers absolutely loved them. Ms. Howell said it was the best gift a 1st grader ever gave her. So I guess it was worth staying up until 1 in the morning to finish them. It just happened to be one of those days where I was going going going. At 10pm Scott said "sit down woman and take a break! You are so tightly wound your hair is all frizzy."
(In my defense my hair was frizzy because it has been super humid) But he was right. I feel like I am wind up toy that keeps getting their key turned. I have so much to do that I can't rest. even though I know if I did rest I would be more efficient. Its an awful cycle. I go to bed in the wee hours of the morning, I don't sleep well because I'm stressed and then I wake up at 6am. Isn't this supposed to be summer break where you sleep in and enjoy the sunshine? Oh right that's just for kids.

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