
Thursday, June 16, 2011


One of the great things about having kids is all the surprises that come with them.
Some are stressful, like the book report you just found out about is due tomorrow, or they tried to make cookies all by themselves and broke eggs all over the kitchen floor (yes I am speaking of my own personal experiences) Or the 3yr old who tries to make popcorn in the microwave. (it took weeks and 2 gallons of vinegar to get the burnt popcorn smell out.)
Sometimes they are inevitable like the constant Lego pieces, army men, and most often in my house ROCKS I find in the wash.
Sometimes they are good. Like a clean house or a special drawing.
And sometimes they are funny.
I went to get the bread out of the bread box and found it heavily guarded by this Lego ship. It took me by surprise so much it startled me and I just had to have a good laugh. Its a good thing I am well equipped with security. I wouldn't want anyone stealing my bread.

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