
Sunday, February 21, 2010


(Ellie 7)While shopping with Ellie one time we happened to be by some toys when Ellie picked up a tea set. She all of the sudden got so excited and said "Mom, I just have to have this Puerto Rican tea set. I've never seen one from Puerto Rico before!!"
As I looked at the box I had to burst her bubble and tell her "Honey that says porcelain tea set."

(Ellie 8)At Ellie's baptism a stake primary presidency was giving a little talk to the children. In her talk she was mentioning the commandments and she asked the children if they knew any of the commandments. Ellie with all her Ellieness piped up. "Don't commit adultery" although that is correct I am not sure that is what the president was looking for.

(Ellie 5) Ellie and I were baking Bratzils (a swiss cookie). To make the right shape we ise a special waffle iron. Ellie was so proud that she was only 5 but big enough to use "hot stuff". She announced to Scott "Daddy I can use hot stuff because I have super adult vision."

(Ellie 5) We were in the car headed to the Los Angeles temple visitors center to watch the film on "Joseph Smith and the Restoration". We decided to give the kids a brief explanation of what they were about to see when Ellie pipes up. "I know all about this. It when Joseph Smith fixed the church and got it Restabilized."


William 5 was talking to my sister Stephanie. Here is how the conversation went...
"Aunt Steph Jenni is your baby right?"
Steph answers " Yes she is. "
William asks with all seriousness, and sincerity. "Did you HATCH Shane and Paul too?" apparently is knowledge of how babies are born are influenced by chickens. I love the way this kids mind works.

William talking to grandma wright.
"Hey grandma you have a really fun house. You should've had some kids!"
Grandma said, "I do have kids. I have 8 kids."
William said. "You do?!?!. . . Where are they?"
grandma answers trying to hold a straight face, "Your mom is one of my kids."
William replies, "My MOM is one of your kids!?!?... But my mom is not a kid!"
Sweet understanding grandma says. "She used to be a kids but she is still one of my children."
Poor William just walked away very confused.

I walked in the kitchen to find William playing with a lighter. He was lighting a candle, but it was against the rules. I scolded him saying that playing with fire was VERY dangerous and NOT allowed. William with his logical mind explained to me,
"Mom when I grow up I am going to be a fireworks guy. So I need to play with fire now, so that I can be safe when I'm a grown up."
What do you say to that?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

medieval party

Before you read this you have to understand. Scott has never had a birthday party growing up. It is just not something they celebrated. Super sad huh. I just learned this last year and threw him his very first birthday party last year. I am trying to make up for his uneventful childhood. Plus I am always looking for a reason to throw a party. We had a great birthday party for Him this year. The theme was royalty. I sent rolled invites addressed to Duke and Duchesses, Baron and Baronesses, and Earl and Countesses. It was grown ups only. Everyone was encouraged to come dressed accordingly. However they all just showed up with crowns on. I guess that is better than nothing. I decorated the rooms with Christmas lights, candles, and large flower arrangements. I tried to use things that they might have in medieval times so more twigs and leaves than flowers. As the guests arrived and while we ate dinner I had appropriate music playing to get everyone in the mood of medieval times. I also made coats of arms for every couple invited and hung them across the room like pennants for the activities arena. I served one of Scott's favorite meals THANKSGIVING DINNER. we had goblets filled with red wine (martineli's) and the desserts were individual cakes with the "S" monogram. Yes EVERYTHING was made from scratch. It just tastes better that way. after we ate our feast the festivities began. We had sword fighting and jousting. The boys got to keep their swords which they LOVED. Everyone had a great time all around. I wonder what I'll do next year? Any ideas shoot them my way.

ice blocking

We took our Young Women ice blocking. Can I say it was such a BLAST. They totally loved it, once they found out what it was. None of them had ever heard of it before. It was quite a chore for some of them to haul the ice back up the hill but they had so much fun they didn't care. They tried all kinds of tricks and positions to go down on the ice. The final coveted trick was to do 2 full 360's while staying totally on the block of ice. I am proud to say I own the medal for the 360's. When time for mutual was up they didn't want to go home. They called their mothers to come join them. Some did and never did they feel ,ore like kids. They had a great time as well. Bishops wife was the funniest. She had this funny ballet move. we were all laughing so hard our sides hurt the next day. I highly recommend this activity for a night full of laughs and exercise.

brennens new favorite hobby

Brennen has decided that his new favorite hobby is kite flying. There was finally a day with enough wind to take this big kite in the air. So we walked down to the park and took it for its first test flight. Brennen got it up all by himself. He is very patient waiting for just the right breeze then he throws the kite in the air then runs and grabs the string. It is so cute to see him try to maneuver something twice his size.

zadrozny baptism

On the last leg of our journey in Utah Scott had the great pleasure of baptising our niece Mandy and Nephew Jarom. They were very excited, especially Mandy. She is 10 and was so happy for her big day to finally happen. The high five picture is Mandy and her missionary , because it finally happened!! We were just glad to be their and support them all in their decision to be baptized. Keep on truckin Zadrozny family it just gets better from here. We love you guys.


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