
Friday, June 9, 2017

Lesson on repentance

Apparently Peter didn't want Brennen to touch is squirt gun so Brennan decided to recite the Scout oath for Peter to promise him that he wouldn't touch his work.
All of the sudden Peter was worried the breaded would break his oath and that would mean that he would have to go to"heck"
He was so worried about it he asked me if heavenly father ever breaks his promises. I told him no heavenly father never breaks his promises. 
So Peter began to explain to me that he hoped Heavenly Father would break his promise because he was worried that Brennen is going to break his oath and therefore would be sent to "heck" and he didn't want his brother to have to go to "heck". So I we were in the car Peter begin to pray to his heavenly father to have mercy on his brother.
This little car ride turned out to be a wonderful lesson of repentance. I explained the steps to repentance to both boys and told them that as long as the one  who committed the offense repented, heavenly father would have mercy on him and he could be forgiven.
After our discussion both boys felt so much better. Why is it the greatest lessons come in a car ride?

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