
Sunday, November 14, 2010


We were having our "art hour" (Something I try to do with my kids every so often. Partly because I think its fun and partly because I want them to have a time to express themselves with different mediums.) When Brennen drew these "kids" No, they are not people they are kids. apparently there is a difference.

Is it silly that I was impressed with Brennen's drawings of "kids"? I realize they are a little cycloptic but still I had no trouble telling what they were.
I felt that they were done in very much Brennen's style. I didn't think someone as young as he could express his style with his art.
Brennen does love to create. Usually with pen and paper but he shows potential in lots of forms of art. Who knows maybe someday he will be an artist, or musician, or dancer, possible singer. It is awesome to watch him create when he is listening to music. Its a whole other animal.


On thursday the kids didn't have school so we went to the Zoo. Can I say it was a Z O O!! It was so crowded it was hard to see the animals.
We went with our friends the Ossenkops. William thinks their name is Awesome Cops. He and little Hannah are best friends. They get a long really well together and can play forever without driving each other crazy.
It was a good way to spend a day which we did for free because of our passes. So in that way it was worth it. They are doing a lot of construction at our zoo. That made it a little chaotic. However once the construction is done the zoo is going to be amazing.
The weather was perfect too. So good weather, good company, = a nice day at the zoo

Sunday, November 7, 2010


We took Ellie to dinner at Olive Garden for her birthday. Since we were going trick-or-treating right after I had the kids wear their costumes to the restaurant. While we waited for our table I snapped a few pics. I finally got William to stay still for a picture hurray! My Dragon on the other hand was really cooperative.

more sleepers

I love to watch my kids sleep. They look so sweet and innocent, not to mention peaceful. I just want to eat them up. I love to listen to them breathe. Stare at their perfect features, and snuggle up close to them. they fit just perfectly in my arms when they are asleep. Excluding this picture we have no kids in our bed anymore and I find myself cradling a pillow because my arms seem so empty. Sometimes I wish they would never grow up.

We came home from a date one night and found all the kids asleep on the couch


My kids love popcorn but they get it everywhere. It drives me crazy. The little ones really wanted popcorn so someone made it for them. (That person has yet to show themself)
so I banished them to the backyard to eat it. they could not have been happier. Just sittin outside, eatin popcorn.
And yes when they got near the bottom of the bowl they dumped the rest all over the patio. That is why their banished

random mall

Our Mall likes to be involved and give all kinds of opportunities to the community. They often have art shows,Concerts, and random acts. They had a music station where Brennen felt right at home. Him being my music nut. Although I was a little nervous about the type of music he created and then jammed to. Yes he created the music while he was playing it.
they also had a circus in the mall parking lot so here's a teaser show they did in the food court. He used Ellie's shoe for the first thing. He wanted to use Brennen's but he wouldn't give his up. The second was a dollar bill. I thought the shopping cart was impressive. Those things are heavy. We didn't actually go see the circus we just got the free version.


I am so proud of my little author Ellie. She won 1st place in reflections for literature. She is an amazing writer. She has a great imagination and understanding of words. Those two things together make her unstoppable. She was very nervous at the Gala as we rushed straight from dance and arrived just in time the have her go onstage. They had her read her winning story and gave her the great compliment of telling everyone to remember her name. Because in about 15 years they would see it on the New York Times best seller list. I heard quiet a few people agree with "uh huh!"s.
Here is her story. the theme was "Together we can"


I bet you all have parents who love and care for you. I don’t have those kinds of parents. Mine are selfish and mean. They didn’t want any children, but during their third year of marriage they had my big sister Beatrice. My mother was disgusted with the baby.

Five years later she had me. My parents were infuriated. However, my sister loved me at first sight. I never had a real home but I did have Beatrice. In fact at four weeks old, my mother, Beatrice, and I were at the bank when a man stopped her and asked what the baby’s name was. My sister who was starring down picked up a coin off the ground, ohhhh Penny! The man knelt down to Beatrice and asked. “Is that your sisters name?” “Yes” my mother announced “Penny.” Can you believe that I didn’t even have a name until I was four weeks old?

When I turned two years old Beatrice started to raise me like a mother. She fed me and loved me. Then one night my sister handed me a sack. “Quick” she said. “Pack some things.” I stared at the empty bag. “Why?” I asked. “We’re running away,” she replied. Assuming she was bluffing I asked. “Where to?” “Aunt Charlottes.” She replied determinedly. “Are you off your rocker?” I wondered in my mind. But I was obedient and packed my things. When the last light in the house was turned off we snuck out onto the lawn, facing the open road.

A happy feeling like fireworks exploded inside of me Beatrice grabbed my hand and we ran. We ran past two towns until the sun rose. It was like a hand of clouds grabbed the moon and pulled it down while another hand pulled the sun up into the sky. My arm felt like it was departing form my shoulder from my heavy bag.

30 minutes after we passed the second town I smelled smoke. I knew we were close to another town. When we finally arrived my shoes felt 2 sizes too small for my swollen feet. We were exhausted!

Using the money my sister had packed, we entered a room of the nearest hotel. We slept as sunlight poured into the room. We had slept past noon. When I finally woke up Beatrice was looking worried. “I don’t have enough money.” She exclaimed. Still dazed from my sleep I rubbed my eyes and questioned, “What?” “I don’t have enough money for the train we need to take to get to aunt Charlottes.”

We counted the money we had left. We would need forty dollars for both of us to go on. When she finished counting she looked as pale as paper. We only have $5.25. I rummaged through my things and found 0.75. We were in trouble. Beatrice grabbed her brown hair and started to brush it. “I’ll sell my hair” she insisted. “No!” I screamed. “Penny its for the best.” She replied. “As long as we stay together everything will be fine” She tried to reassure me but I was worried.
“I’ll try to find a job while you find someone to buy your hair.” I remarked.

We walked our separate ways. I walked down the street and stared at the many shops all in a row. At that moment a horrible crack of lightning filled the sky. Rain poured down. I ran into the first door I saw which happened to be a restaurant. I looked around the restaurant . It was a nice place. I decided that I would get my job here. I asked if I could sing. After hearing me a few measures they agreed I could sing and they would pay me $5 an hour. So I got up on stage and sang A poor wayfaring man of grief. Everyone was so moved that they started throwing money on the stage. After that I took requests. An elderly woman wanted me to sing oh that light on a hill. I sang it and the crowed showered me with applause and more money. I took five more song requests and emerged from the restaurant victorious with $30.50

Beatrice smiled at me when I came back to our hotel room.

“What do you think of my new haircut?” she asked. “My head feels so much lighter now.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out $10. I showed her the money I earned at the restaurant and we laughed together “ We have enough money for the train!”

Shouts of joy filled the air and spilled out the window. “I told you if we stuck together we could make it work.” Beatrice beamed. “Come on,” she said. We ran out of the hotel hand in hand and headed straight for the train station. My heart filled with joy. I felt like nothing could get between us. Together we could accomplish anything.

“Two tickets to New Orleans please.” Beatrice said. She handed the ticket master the money. “Here you go Miss, two tickets to New Orleans.” The man said. “You must be hard workers. Saving enough money to buy two tickets.” “You have no idea.” Beatrice answered. She looked at me and we just smiled at each other.

We boarded the train then heard the whistle. We were off to a better future.

Beatrice and I fell asleep to the clickety-clack of the train. We slept the whole way. When we got to our destination I was nervous and excited all at the same time. How would my Aunt Charlotte feel about us coming?

As we walked in her neighborhood I got a warm feeling inside. We passed several kids playing in the street. I looked at Beatrice and she winked at me. We reached my Aunt Charlottes door and nervously knocked. Aunt Charlotte was so pleased to see us. She said she had prayed for children all her life and now she had them. She welcomed us wrapping us in a hug with her fuzzy pink boa tickling my face.

That night at dinner we told her our whole story. After that we were free to explore our new home. I was so happy to have my sister by my side for this new adventure.

For once in my life I curled up in my bed and forgot my horrible past. My old life was gone and my new one began. I realized I could not have done it without Beatrice. “Together we can, together we can.” I whispered to myself as I fell asleep.

So now I’ve relived my legacy to you. Although it is not at its end yet. At least you have heard the beginnings of the story of Penny Charlotte Carter.


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