I love this fun medium of art. It brings us back to the carefree world of childhood when we would chalk all over the sidewalks. One time while living in California my children and I were playing with sidewalk chalk. We lived in some gated town homes at the time and leaked our drawing over to our neighbors side of the driveway. Our drawings were sweet and innocent some even good because I copied out of a coloring book. Our neighbors were not happy with our creations and scolded us for drawing on their side demanding us to wash it off.
We took the kids to expose them to some culture. Sometimes I think they feel like we shove it down their throats but they really do enjoy it while we are there. Wherever "there"happens to be. Plus this time we promised to take them out to dinner. This is one cultural event that they are slow to warm up to but once the music arrives they love it. They had this awesome band playing. I think it was the same one a last time. Either way they were great and my kids could help but just bust a move. It makes me so happy to see them so carefree and just go with the music regardless of whether or not people are watching. It tells me that they are happy and maybe I am not such a failure as a mother.