
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Crazy Weather Aug 2014

This place has been having some crazy weather, although I guess that is its MO.  Today it was raining a torrential downpour, but the weird part was it was super sunny.  One side of our house was soaked and the other side dry as can be.  I find it so interesting that the weather here has absolute lines.  It can be a blizzard, or a downpour and not 10 feet away its completely calm.  The phenomenon astounds me.

Classic Skating Aug 2014

For the end of the summer I decided to use up all those coupons and freebies that the kids received throughout the school year.  We would do lunch and not have to pay a cent. It was my way of stretching that every thin dollar while still getting to do fun stuff.  One coupon we had was for classic skating in Orem.  This Classic is cleaner than the Sandy one but they don't have as many fun things there, but I can't complain we got in for free.  We took quite a few spins on the rink with our scooters and roller blades.  This is a fact that I love about Classic, you can bring your own wheels!  They also have a few bounce house type things.  I had a great time in this one in particular  that I stuck Peter in.  He thought it was so funny until I pretended to walk away. It was a great to play like a kid and a great way to spend an afternoon that was too hot to play outside.

All these boys July 2014

Just another day at Grandma's when these boys all worked together to play.  It is such a wonderful sight to see.  I just had to sneak a picture.  This sin't even all of them.  Man we have a lot of boys in this family, but I love them all


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