
Friday, November 8, 2013

Government Shutdown/ Zombie Apocalypse party

I'm not sure why she broke him out but love does crazy things
With my brother back from Hawaii he decided to have a party.  Not just any party this was a government shutdown/ zombie Apocalypse party.  My brother Scott hosted the event in proper fashion.  As we pulled up decked out in all our survival gear we were met with a sight that looked just like a base camp would near the end of the days.  Complete with a broken down car in the front yard and barrels with fires in them to keep the refugees warm.  This is whats great about my family!  (I wonder what the neighbors thought)
This wasn't just any government shutdown/zombie Apocalypse part this was the Wright way to do a party. After everyone was fed a warm meal of chili with brains, a roll and some salads, and maybe a doughnut or cookie on the side we were ready for training.  First things first, mark the abandon car with our mark so others know its our base.  Once it got appropriately dark people took their chances with the zombies out in the woods.  Each person got 5 paint balls (with a gun of course) to try to kill at least one of the zombies.  [These zombies were real people decked out and hidden among the trees.  The poor volunteers were covered in welts by the time they were through.  Although if you asked them they had a great time].  It was interesting to see those who had the skill and those who thought they had the skills.  Sadly when it came down to it I am afraid one of my crew just couldn't take the pressure.  His normal targeting skills were more than just a little off. (no it wasn't Scott.  He is actually and excellent marksman)
Jared making his mark
My handsome zombie killer

 For the younger ones there were doughnuts on a string and pin the Twinkies on the Zombie.  This was all complete with scary sounds and Halloween music in the background. Because it's not a party unless there is music.  They also had a pinata.  When a stick was not to be immediately found the little ones begged to be used as the breaking device.  It worked for awhile then someone responsible had to go find a stick.  Oh well It was still fun.
Then came time for destruction.  The sledge hammer came out and anyone who wanted could have a few swings at the car.  This turned out to be a great stress reliever for quite a few in attendance.  All in all another great night with children running wild and guns a blazing (Nerf guns)  No one throws a party like a Wright throws a party.
Brennen ready to defend the water cooler from contamination
My Zombie mother

Chili with brains

This guy escaped from a prison transport


William in destruct mode


our FEMA rations
Shane ready for action

young zombie killers
Sam  William, Paul, Wyatt, Mosiah, Brennen

who needs a stick to break open a pinata when you can use small children

more destruction


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