
Friday, July 30, 2010

Liberty park

I went with my mom and sister Amy and her 3 kids to Liberty park. They have a water feature that represents the water system in Salt Lake City. They have 3 large bolder mountains with waterfalls that symbolize the 3 major canyons. Little cottonwood, big cottonwood, and parleys canyon. Then the water follows a "river way" into the "Great Salt Lake" The kids had a fun time. This park also had a great playground area with other water features. One being large hoops that sprayed water.

swimming at Grands

Here are some fun time we had swimming at Grandma and Grandpa Pools house. No there last name is not pool the Grand kids just call them that because they have a pool. Funny Stringhamism, Brennen kept calling Grandma Grandpa, and Grandpa Grandma. He would just get so confused on which name went to which person. One time he wanted grandma so he said "Hey Grand. . . " and just left it at that. He even got his courage up to go off the slide. After that he went again and again and again. . There is nothing better than swimming.

How many people?

How many people can you fit in a hot tub? On a 4-wheeler? If you said 15 or 7 you are wrong. We actually fit 22 people in the hot tub and 10 on the 4-wheeler. Sadly enough I didn't have my camera with me at the time. But these times came close. My Dad had a great time hauling all his grand kids around on the 4-wheeler. He would just pile them on until the older ones were holding the smaller ones on. They all loved it. there was always someone to play with at Grandma and Papa's

4th of July

This is for you Californians that don't know how to celebrate the 4th of July. See they have real floats in Utah not just lame cars. Check out Peters reaction to the floats!! We had a good time. The tank was AWESOME!!! They got tons of candy. Yes they actually throw candy, even the good old fashioned salt water taffy at parades. After the parade we walked around the booths and carnival attractions then set up our sweet spot for a stellar firework show with a live band playing patriotic songs.

sky city

Love those sky city $5 days. This one was my first trip to sky city. I has a blast. My favorite thing was the giant slide of course. Peter loved the little cozy coop car. Even though we have one at home this one seemed extra fun. His second favorite was also the giant slide. I think we all loved that one. This was one of my favorite summer activities because the kids had fun and they were all ready to take a nap after hours of climbing and jumping

summer bowling

To kick off the summer we decided to go bowling. It is something my mom used to always do with us growing up. Everyone had a good time throwing the heavy balls around. It turns out the William is a pretty good little bowler. He got 2 strikes and 3 spares. okay so we had the bumpers up but still I'd say that is pretty good. Brennen was just there for the music. He danced more than anything. Ellie kept trying her hand at fancy bowling techniques and Peter slept for most of the adventure then cried and ate licorice for the last half. I think I love to go bowling because it brings back good memories. Hopefully I am making some with my own kids.


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